2016 well log course petroleum engineering Cairo university

Friday, May 11, 2018

Seismic attributes not magic

Seismic attributes not magic

A lot of geoscientist represent seismic attributes like magic wand that can solve all complex  seismic interpretation problems, seismic attributes need very good workflows and should have good and known physical meaning, some geoscientist build fault interpretation workflow depend on curvature attributes and applying this attributes without any preconditioning   and without know the direction of faults or understanding different between strike or dip curvature, negative or positive curvature ,Curvature attributes are excellent attributes but it is the most sensitive attributes for noise effect .
Another mistake when geoscientist use window attributes between horizons or along time slice usually when attributes used for channels they used window attributes and forget the contamination from noise or from unimportant geological features, there are a lot of window attribute like RMS, AVERAGE ENERGY, ENVELOPE, NEGATIVE, POSITIVE,… etc. seismic interpreters should to know of the properties of the interested geobodies .
Many geoscientist use seismic attributes without understanding relation with their targets, they used attributes to detect geobodies or identify reservoir properties and forge seismic attributes can led to wrong direction (misleading), geoscientist told me they used many attributes to detect target but they didn't understand what is physical meaning of them.
One of important development tools in seismic attribute analysis is flying test that can help interpreter to test seismic attributes parameter before applying in all volume this really amazing properties and interactively you can test all parameters of seismic attributes , it is recommend to all geoscientist to test parameter before applying seismic attribute to all volumes.
The famous question what is best seismic attribute for my target , really it is difficult question all my trainees asked this question , the answer is simple start from simple and understandable attributes there are no rule but there are experiences, start from similarity attributes to detect edge of geobodies or structures features, start with envelope and average energy, sweetness for detect hydrocarbon , start from acoustic impedance, envelop, frequency, amplitude for lithology.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Practical AVO and Seismic Inversion

Practical AVO and Seismic Inversion with  Learning, methods and tools: At the end of the course participants will understand basic concepts in quantitative seismic analysis and interpretation based on AVO, well-to-seismic calibration and inversion techniques. Participants will consolidate their understanding of modern technology with recent field study examples and practical workshop exercises. Real application using software Hambson Ruessel and courses depend on training on project course content  https://lnkd.in/dZrtdH7 course will cost 350$ and it include material online lectures and videos recorded,  course have 15 hours include theoretical recorded videos, online practical sessions and after courses discussion sessions contact : Skype: self.tranning Whats app: +201120828201 Email: selftrainning @gmail.com http://geocourses.webs.com https://lnkd.in/eJvrGYi

كورس البرامج الجيوفيزياء

لو محتاج تطور نفسك وتتعلم برامج الجيوفيزياء المهمة للبحث عن المعادن والتنقيب عن المياة والمجالات الهندسية فرصة كورس البرامج الجيوفيزيائية وتطبيق عملى وعدد محدد الكورس يوم الاثنين الفادم 14/5 احجز او تواصل واتس 01010443910
تفاصيل الكورس فى الاستمارةhttps://goo.gl/forms/kOISPNfRqWgCfSC23

Sunday, May 6, 2018

دورة التعدين المتكاملة

رصة لاول مرة مؤسسة selftraining (STO) مرة دورة التعدين المكثفة مقدمة 
فى ادارة محاجر وجيولجيا التعدين
جيوفيزياء التعدين برامج
هندسة تعدين سرباك برامج
تفاصيل الكورس فى الاستمارة 

حجز واتس 01010443910

رحلة جيوفيزياء باستخدام اجهزة الجيوفيزياء

شرف مركز self training STO بالتعاون مع المركز القومى للبحوث اقامة رحلة باجهزة الجيوفيزياء، لدورة تدريب على جيوفيزياء الموجات المنكسرة في المدى القصير Seismic Short Refraction Investigation بحضور السادة الزملاء المتدربين و السيد الفاضل الأستاذ الدكتور / محمد جمعة – أستاذ الجيوفيزياء بالمركز القومي للبحوث والدكتور عادل حكيم المحاضر بكورس الجيوفيزياء الهندسيه البحث السيزميك والتنقيب عن المياه الجوفيه و يرافقنا بعض المعاونون لانجاز العمل ، و قد وفقنا الله سبحانه و تعالى في انجاز العمل بغرض تحديد عمق المياة الجوفية بمنطقه الزياره