2016 well log course petroleum engineering Cairo university

Sunday, November 18, 2018


Dear Sir/Madam ,

On behalf of SelfTraining Organization (STO), I like to thank you and  management team for offering us the chance to represent this training programs. We designed our integrated training courses to compile all asset team members in one training program. This includes;

1. Geologists
2. Geophysicists
3. Petrophysicists
4. Drilling Engineers
5. Reservoir Engineers
6. Production Engineers

The unique technique in this integrated program is to compile all upstream staff (geoscientists and petroleum engineers). The program consists of four phases arranged in a professional sequence to deliver consistent, high quality, learning and development training program to build up competent petroleum professionals in the upstream industry.

Subject: Integrated Training Program for Upstream Staff of 48 Weeks,
Three phases each one is12 weeks
This integrated program extends for almost 12 months (48 weeks) and consists of different phases. Each phase consists of 3 months duration (12weeks) that includes 12 courses for every phase, the management can select the suitable phases that will satisfy their team needs.

Please kindly that we are flexible enough to satisfy the program duration and its contents.

The following graph shows the flowchart of the training program.

We are happy to offer our proposal for Integrated Training Programs for Upstream Staff. SelfTraining organization  (STO) is an initiative interactive individual online learning system. We supply recognized professional qualifications programs for undergraduate and postgraduate personal. We take care of the trainees’ problems by offering them our interactive education courses that are 100% privately.

STO training programs are flexible to enable you to study at any time of your choice and at your favorable location. That gives you full control over your studies by our professional support.
STO has widely succeed to arrange more than 70 courses in Egypt and 25 courses online. We also assigned cooperation protocol with Community Service Center - Cairo University and arrange different courses under supervision of Cairo University On behalf of SelfTraining (STO).

We like to thank you and  management team for offering us this training opportunity for this proposal. We are looking forward to cooperating with you as trusted advisors in assisting you to meet your business requirements that enhances reservoirs’ recoveries, and leverage your available man power through training, mentoring, coaching, consulting and integration of disciplines, data and applications.

Best regards
Yours sincerely

Mohamed Shihata