It is important to reduce noise effect and increase
the signal to noise ratio, to enhance seismic data started by quality control
to study how noise effect on seismic data and generate spectrum analysis to
determine amount of noise and seismic bandwidth frequencies. Then, apply band
pass filter to remove high frequency and low frequency noises and mean smooth
filter to overcome random noises that affecting on the interested seismic data
band frequencies. After data preconditions applied similarity attributes have
been used to extract geobodies by available autopicking algorithms.It is hard to determine the best workflow for
geophysical study so we need to merge experience with latest technology to
solve complex geological problems and enhance results of seismic
interpretation. In this paper, it is a trial to combine both conventional and
unconventional seismic interpretations to extract all available geological
information from seismic data as shown in Fig. 2 that represents seismic
interpretations workflow that enables interpreter to reduce risk and get
results very fast by mixing experience interpretation with latest technology.
Data Preconditions Workflow
Sometimes seismic interpreters have
chance to check seismic processing workflow in this case they can check every
step in seismic processing workflow and check for seismic attributes result,
the best way to quality control (QC) seismic processing workflow by generate
similarity (coherency) attributes in every step and compares result before and
after making QC for seismic processing steps .
If we do not have chance to check seismic processing
steps it is recommended to enhance poststack data before seismic attributes
generation, using structure orientation filter and bandpass filter. Interpreter
can enhance seismic attributes results, before start poststack processing it is
important to check seismic data to increase signal to noise ratio by generating
seismic data preconditions workflow.
There are two types of filters used in the poststack
data preconditions: 1) Filter without edge preserve to smooth seismic data and
not stop in geological features edges like faults and channels and 2) Filter
with edge preserve (structure orientation filter) to smooth seismic data and
stop at edges of geological features.
Three steps have been generated in this work for
effective data preconditions techniques .
Seismic data quality control by spectrum analysis
relation between frequencies and amplitude in 3D seismic cube we can determine
interested bandwidth frequencies,
Band pass frequencies filter to remove low and high
noise frequencies, and
Overcome random noises by smooth mean filter, the
mean filter is a low-pass filter that typically is implemented as a running
window-average filter
Edge Attributes (Discontinuity Attributes)
Variance: Uses statistical squared differences of
adjacent (trace by trace) seismic amplitudes.
Coherency: Dot product cross-correlation of “adjacent”
waveform (phase, frequency and amplitude) packets.
Semblance: Computes the squared sum of vectors along
the trace and off the trace, the maximum sum direction has most semblances
(Fig. 5).
Similarity: Checks a standard pattern of points
around a central point for the most similar seismic amplitude and progresses to
the most similar point as the next central point
character illustrated by the lateral change in waveform
character. b) A hypothetical horizon showing
coherent character, marked by no
lateral change in shape of the waveform. Plots above both figures show
coherence response. (Modified after Salamoff, 2006).
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